and getUpper
return a numerical vector of lower and
upper bounds, getValues
returns a list of possible value sets for discrete
Parameters for which such bound make no sense - due to their type - are not present in the result.
getLower(obj, with.nr = FALSE, dict = NULL)
getUpper(obj, with.nr = FALSE, dict = NULL)
getValues(obj, dict = NULL)
| ParamSet()
| list
Parameter, parameter set or list of parameters, whose boundaries and/or
values should be extracted. In case the boundaries or values contain
expressions, they will be evaluated using the provided dictionary dict
Should number from 1 to length be appended to names of vector params?
Default is FALSE
| list | NULL
Environment or list which will be used for evaluating the variables of
expressions within a parameter, parameter set or list of parameters. The
default is NULL
| list
. Named by parameter ids.
ps = makeParamSet(
makeDiscreteParam("v", values = c("a", "b")),
makeIntegerParam("w", lower = expression(ceiling(p / 3)), upper = 2),
makeDiscreteParam("x", values = 1:2),
makeNumericVectorParam("y", len = 2, lower = c(0, 10), upper = c(1, 11)),
keys = "p"
getLower(ps, dict = list(p = 7))
#> u w y y
#> -Inf 3 0 10
#> u w y y
#> Inf 2 1 11
ps = makeParamSet(
makeDiscreteParam("w", values = list(a = list(), b = NULL))
#> $w
#> $w$a
#> list()
#> $w$b
par.vals = list(
u = makeNumericParam("u"),
v = makeIntegerParam("v", lower = 1, upper = 2),
w = makeDiscreteParam("w", values = 1:2),
x = makeNumericVectorParam("x", len = 2, lower = c(3, 1), upper = expression(n))
#> u v x x
#> -Inf 1 3 1
getUpper(par.vals, dict = list(n = 12))
#> u v x x
#> Inf 2 12 12