Useful helper for logging. For discrete parameter values always the name of the discrete value is used.
paramValueToString(par, x, show.missing.values = FALSE, num.format = "%.3g")
Value for parameter or value for parameter set. In the latter case it must
be named list. For discrete parameters their values must be used, not their
Display “NA” for parameters, which have no setting, because their
requirements are not satisfied (dependent parameters), instead of
displaying nothing? Default is FALSE
Number format for output of numeric parameters. See the details section of
the manual for base::sprintf()
for details.
p = makeNumericParam("x")
paramValueToString(p, 1)
#> [1] "1"
paramValueToString(p, 1.2345)
#> [1] "1.23"
paramValueToString(p, 0.000039)
#> [1] "3.9e-05"
paramValueToString(p, 8.13402, num.format = "%.2f")
#> [1] "8.13"
p = makeIntegerVectorParam("x", len = 2)
paramValueToString(p, c(1L, 2L))
#> [1] "1,2"
p = makeLogicalParam("x")
paramValueToString(p, TRUE)
#> [1] "TRUE"
p = makeDiscreteParam("x", values = list(a = NULL, b = 2))
paramValueToString(p, NULL)
#> [1] "a"
ps = makeParamSet(
makeNumericVectorParam("x", len = 2L),
makeDiscreteParam("y", values = list(a = NULL, b = 2))
paramValueToString(ps, list(x = c(1, 2), y = NULL))
#> [1] "x=1,2; y=a"